lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

How to get a global menu in elementary OS Freya

Just follow the steps bellow:

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:varlesh-l/test # add varlesh repo to install the unestable wingpanel
  1. sudo apt-get update # update your repo list
  1. sudo apt-get install --reinstall wingpanel=0.3~r217-1 indicator-appmenu # install appmenu and the varleash version of wingpanel
  1. gsettings set org.pantheon.desktop.wingpanel blacklist "['']" # remove appmenu from wingpanel's blacklist
  1. killall wingpanel # restart wingpanel
  1. sudo apt-mark hold wingpanel # prevent wingpanel to get updated to the elementary version


Liked that app? It is Nylas N1 with a theme that I've made exclusively for elementary OS. 
Here ( you can download the theme and star the repo :P

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015

OS X - Illegal instruction: 4 - Docker Compose


The new age has arrived! I am posting in english and I've moved to the Mac world

Well.. The thing is that I have an old (and super cool) Macbook pro, I was playing with docker:

docker-compose build

And a wild pokemon error appeared:

Illegal instruction: 4

So after searching a while I found that it could be because of some issue related to my old Mac, docker-compose, fig and pip. What? So lets update all this shit :)

brew install python

When installing python with Homebrew, it will also install pip

If you have some issue with your PATH (maybe you don't have /usr/local/bin in PATH) pip is in /usr/local/bin/pip anyway

I've read something about installing directly with:sudo easy_install pip
so you wouldn't have any PATH issue, but it worked like a charm for me with brew.
pip install docker-compose

That's it! Docker compose working here

OS X - Illegal instruction: 4 - Docker Compose - ES

Buenas gente!

Me mudé al mundo de OS X y cia.

Tengo una macbook pro medio viejita y hace poco empecé a trabajar con docker, al ejecutar:

docker-compose build

Para armar una imagen. Me deparo con el siguiente error:

Illegal instruction: 4

Después de investigar un mucho, encuentro que este es un issue relacionado a docker-compose, a fig parece y a pip. Toda una confusión. Entonces la solución es instalar la última versión de python para instalar la última versión de pip para instalar la última versión de docker-compose, vamos con las últimas versiones!

Instalar python:

brew install python

Al instalar python con homebrew ya te instalas pip.

Hay que tener en cuenta si pip estará en el PATH, si tienes /usr/local/bin en tu PATH todo bien, o podrás encontrar a pip en /usr/local/bin/pip

También leí por ahí que se puede instalar con:

sudo easy_install pip

Pero como suelo usar hombrew y no tuve problemas, ni siquiera probé eso.
Bueno finalmente ejecutan:

pip install docker-compose

Listo! Problema resuelto!

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2015

gsusmonzon: Using STI on Rails. Tips

gsusmonzon: Using STI on Rails. Tips: If you ever think of using Single Table Inheritance on Rails, forget about it . It will cause more headaches than benefits. It is simply th...

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Gitlab push on mail not working

The solution was in the issue:

Basically you should use this patch:

diff --git a/app/mailers/emails/projects.rb b/app/mailers/emails/projects.rb
index 46aa34d..57ce69e 100644
--- a/app/mailers/emails/projects.rb
+++ b/app/mailers/emails/projects.rb
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Emails
       if @commits.length > 1
         @target_url = project_compare_url(@project, from: @commits.first, to: @commits.last)
-        @target_url = project_commit_url(@project, @compare.commit)
+        @target_url = project_commit_url(@project, id:

       mail(from: sender(author_id), 
Or update your gitlab.

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Code Review with Redmine and Gitolite

First of all ofcourse I connected to the server throught ssh:
ssh me@server
After that I downloaded the code-review plugin from the repo
That was the last download that I found, you should check it out to if there is a new version to download, or clone the repo.

After install, you should configure the plugin in Redmine -> Settings
Setup user/roles permissions for the plugin Settings -> Role, User

Setup the repository for each project needed (Settings -> Repository).

Permission problems:
Create redmine group:
groupadd redmine
Add www-data to redmine group:
usermod -aG redmine www-data
If you want you could also add git user to that group:
usermod -aG redmine git

Change permissions:
sudo chmod 770 -R /hom/git/repositories
sudo chown git:redmine /home/git/repositories -R

And finally issues with gitolite and redmine:

Edit the .gitolite.rc file and to change the umask.
  1. the default umask for repositories is 0077; change this if you run stuff
  2. like gitweb and find it can't read the repos. Please note the syntax; the
  3. leading 0 is required
#$REPO_UMASK = 0077; # gets you 'rwx------'
#$REPO_UMASK = 0027; # gets you 'rwxr-x---'
$REPO_UMASK = 0022; # gets you 'rwxr-xr-x'

In my case it was actually:

UMASK                       =>  0022,

sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

mate-panel: Como cambiar el color de letra.

El tema gtk o "Interface Theme" que estes usando define ese color.

Entonces lo que tendrías que hacer si, por ejemplo, quieres modificar el tema *elementary*

deberías ir como root a la carpeta: /usr/share/themes/elementary/
fijarte si en el archivo gtkrc, dice algo como:
#include "Apps/xfce-panel.rc"
include "Apps/dark-panel.rc"

Si tiene un # enfrente quiere decir que está comentado entonces tienes que sacarlo

y editar dicho archivo, por ejemplo, si decía:

include "Apps/xfce-panel.rc"

debes editar el archivo

En ese archivo debe decir:
style "elementary-panel"

Ahí es donde se define el color de letras, fg es la abreviación de foreground, y se refiere justamente a eso.
Entonces defines por ejemplo, que tu panel sea rojo:
fg[NORMAL] = "#D00"

Si no conoces los colores en hexadecimal podes usar herramientas como, gimp, o incluso gedit, ya que tiene un plugin para eso.

Se me olvido algo. El archivo xfce-panel.rc debe contener las siguientes líneas:

class "PanelApp*" style "elementary-panel"
class "PanelToplevel*" style "elementary-panel"
class "*Xfce*Panel*" style "elementary-panel"
widget "*fast-user-switch*" style "elementary-panel"
widget "PanelToplevel*PanelAppletFrame" style "elementary-panel"
widget "PanelToplevel*PanelMenuBar" style "elementary-panel"
widget "PanelToplevel*PanelWidget*" style "elementary-panel"
widget "*CPUFreq*Applet*" style "elementary-panel"
widget "*Xfce*Panel*" style "elementary-panel"
widget_class "BonoboPlug*PanelApplet*" style "elementary-panel"
widget_class "*tray*" style "elementary-panel"

Si alguna está comentada, descomentala. Aparentemente esas líneas sirven para asignar el estilo definido a esas clases y widgets.
En realidad no se mucho sobre el tema, tal vez haya alguna forma más fácil de cambiar el color de letra de mate-panel. Aunque tampoco es taaan complicado.